<aside> 💡 The DAOlationships Bubble is in its early stages, as the whole concept of DAOs is too. This means that we adjust the way we operate over time, as we grow our knowledge and gain more experience about DAO governance. You can find us on discord. Make sure to reach out to @senad.eth if you have questions with regards to the DAOlationships Bubble!


<aside> 🧭 Mission

The core mission of the DAOLationships Bubble is to facilitate and coordinate relationships between external organisations and WeavrDAO. When other Bubbles our organisation need support from external organisations, they come to DAOLationships to help understand and navigate the personal connections we have. When other organisations want to establish a connection with WeavrDAO, the DAOLationships Bubble helps to coordinate those efforts for maximum impact.


<aside> ⚖️ Values

We maximize value by maximizing WeavrDAOs impact to the outside world!

💬 Courage & Altruism

💬 Trust & Verification

💬 Respect & Reciprocity

💬 Leadership & Followership

💬 Autonomy & Self Organization


<aside> 🥍 Objectives

We are here to ensure that the WeavrDAO community and contributor base grows, constantly!

💬 Build bridges between ecosystems

💬 Grow our community base via aligned interests

💬 Utilize other DAOs marketing engines for our own

💬 Utilize these partnerships to increase our funding capabilities

💬 Build a talent pipeline that allows for us to grow our contributor base with DAO experts


Bubble Lead

Senad (senad.eth)

<aside> 🛎️ Services

💬 Build relationships between WeavrDAO and other DAOs, companies, and organisations that are aligned with the mission and vision of WeavrDAO.

💬 Grow WeavrDAO to become the leading real estate marketplace by developing cross-DAO relationships.

💬 Identify key partners at other organizations who can make an impact by being involved in our community


Governance & Operations

<aside> <img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/5a0a694d-18fd-4fbf-bba9-f18e29e0ed85/Interest_Group.png" alt="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/5a0a694d-18fd-4fbf-bba9-f18e29e0ed85/Interest_Group.png" width="40px" /> How do we operate?

The Workgroup Charter is a social agreement between the DAOlationships team opting in to build powerful relationships together.



Formal Proposal Template

DAOlationships CRM

DAOlationships 101 (under construction)

Templates (under construction)

Meet the Scope Squad

Member Matrix

Meeting Notes:

DAOlationships Bubble Meeting Notes