
  1. Abstract
  2. Background (context/why/gap)
    1. Mission
    2. Community (values)
  3. Introduction to Frabric (protocol)
    1. Definition Frabric DAO
      1. Frabric token
        1. Frabric Token: Supply, Inflationary/Deflationary Mode/Allocation,
        2. Value of Token (Use)
        3. Thread Token Holder Description
      2. Governance (treasury management)
    2. Definition of The Frabric
      1. Business Model
        1. Competitive Advantage
        2. Growth strategy
      2. Threads
        1. Definition
        2. Listing
        3. Voting system
        4. Communities
        5. Properties management
        6. Delisting
      3. Needles
        1. Crowdfunding system
        2. Acquisition process
        3. Transition into threads
      4. The Frabric tokens
        1. Tokenomics
  4. Disclaimers
    1. Nature of this Document Clause Forward-Looking Statements Clause
    2. Language Clause
    3. No Advice Clause