We are continuously working to ensure we stay as an open and welcoming platform while keeping accountability to Projects success and provide fair compensation.

Our current structure is the way to accomplish that goal while we are aware that as we grow, there will always be room for improvement.

🧣 L3 Contributors

All DAO members who still don’t make it to any other level but have completed the onboarding.

💰➡️ Benefits

Eligible for network benefits (airdrops, etc).

Participate for projects.

To become L2:

🧶 L2 Collaborators

L2 collaborators are expected to support tasks completion that will contribute to the success of projects. L2 Collaborators are the power of the daily execution and will ensure Frabric keeps running and growing.

DAO members who are actively contributing, have participated in the community for more than one month.

💰➡️ Benefits

Eligible for network benefits (airdrops, etc).

Participate for projects and Coordinape round.

🧵 L1 Guild